Friday, May 30, 2008

Nothing Better To Do

It's amazing how the issue of gay marriage ebbs and flows in the American political consciousness. Sometimes, it's a hot button issue, with states contemplating constitutional amendments seeking to define marriage as between a man and a woman. Then, without much rhyme or reason, the issue recedes, to reappear some other time.

The recent court decision in California striking down same sex marriage was the match that re-lit the fire. New York Governor David Paterson made sure the flame would last awhile after directing state agencies to recognize same sex marriages from other jurisdictions. Time to lay aside concerns about the rising cost of gas, home mortgages, and the war in Iraq. Fighting same sex marriage is more important than any of that.

Just ask the legion of organizations in New York and California that vow to turn back this so-called threat to traditional marriage. In the Empire State, legislators are upset that Gov. Paterson took the unilateral step of trying to shield the state from liability in the event legally married same sex couples from elsewhere are rejected for benefits after moving to New York. These folks would rather have been told ahead of time, so they could find a way to stall things as they usually do.

Social conservatives, on the other hand, would muddy the waters between church and state. It's amazing how many people think their belief that homosexuality is an abomination should imposed on everyone. They cite biblical chapter and verse, apparently unaware that racists and other miscreants have cited scripture in much the same way to justify slavery, laws against race mixing, and even eating shellfish (yes, that's an abomination too).

Gov. Paterson took a bold step, for which he is to be commended. Too bad same sex marriage, with both its benefits and obligations, isn't yet legal in New York State.    

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