Friday, May 2, 2008

Go Figure

So here we are again,  just ahead of not one, but two more "crucial" Democratic presidential primaries. Indiana and North Carolina may not solve things any more than Texas, Ohio, and Pennsylvania did. Certainly the explosion of poll numbers and superdelegate endorsements haven't made things much clearer.

One poll should make the chattering classes sit up and take notice. Americans apparently are getting tired of the end to end coverage this race has spawned. Back in January, only 36% of those surveyed thought there was too much coverage. That number is up to 54%. So much for that old cliche, "The American people want to know".  Seems quite a few people are tired of knowing.

The stakes in Indiana and North Carolina are simple, and its not about win or go home. If Barack Obama wins North Carolina by less than double digits, he'll be portrayed as blowing a big lead. The statements of his former pastor will be dredged up yet again to show how much he's been hurt by them. Conversely, if Hillary Clinton loses Indiana, it will be another nail in her political coffin. Problem is, nobody, least of all Obama, has been able to nail the coffin shut.

Hillary's supposed to have momentum, while Obama racks up superdelegates no matter what Jeremiah Wright says. A more confusing script couldn't have been written by Brian DePalma.  

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