Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Scotty Mac's Beatdown

Hell hath no fury like that of a stooge scorned. So it is with Scott McClellan, former White House Press Secretary. He was the guy who, among other things, fudged the administration's way through the Iraq war run-up and the Valerie Plame scandal. Now he's published a book titled "What Happened Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception". He makes some bombshell accusations, including but not limited to:

Bush relied on propaganda to sell the Iraq war.
Some of his own assertions from the podium of the White House briefing room were "badly misguided" (he lied).
That Scooter Libby and Karl Rove held a secret meeting to get their stories straight about the Plame leak when the feds were hot on their trail, then misled him about the facts.
That Bush and his minions "embraced a permanent campaign approach to governance". That is, too much time running for office, not enough time running the country (plain English isn't the strong suit of the stuffed shirt).

Incredibly, McClellan asserts the White House press corps was too easy on the administration in the run-up to the war. This is something many in the progressive media were saying at the time, and was refuted by, among others, Scott McClellan.

One must say there's some satisfaction in seeing George W. Bush get kicked while he's down. Republican congressional candidates avoid him like the plague, John McCain acts like he'd rather get caught with a hooker than with the President of the United States, and now this. The guy everyone thought was Bush's most loyal loyalist kneecaps him as turns to walk out the door of his failed presidency.

Can you think of anyone more deserving?  

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