Monday, June 2, 2008

Back To You, Bill!

While the wonks focus on whether Hillary Clinton's campaign is over now that the Rules and Bylaws Committee has made their decision and Puerto Rico's voters made theirs, a new distraction appears in the form of an exhaustive piece in Vanity Fair about former President Clinton. Written by Todd Purdim, the article chronicles Bill Clinton's strange journey through his wife's campaign, and a whole lot more.

The piece so upset Bill Clinton's people that they've circulated a response of more than 2000 words! There are efforts to refute, point by point, some of its central assertions. Purdim's piece, using a number of anonymous sources, details some of Clinton's questionable associations, statements, and behavior that go back even before the current election cycle. By way of full disclosure, Purdim mentioned he's married to former Clinton press secretary Dee Dee Myers, but said she wasn't a source.

No matter. Despite refusing to talk to Purdim, the Clinton camp  hinted Myers, given her close proximity to Purdim during off hours, must have told him something. They even went so far as to chronicle the alleged past sins of Vanity Fair. Something much have touched a nerve. And all this as Hillary continues to play out the string, trying to turn a win in Puerto Rico into an upset the likes of which has never been seen in American politics.

These are strange days, indeed. 

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