Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lock Up the Peanut Man? You Bet!

I must confess I've had a thing for all things peanut since I was a kid. Raw peanuts, peanut butter, peanut butter cookies, you name it. Maybe that's why the story of Stewart Parnell, boss of the Peanut Corporation of America gets me so upset.

For those who don't already know (and those who need to be reminded), tainted peanuts from Parnell's plant have caused a serious outbreak of salmonella poisoning throughout the country. Nine have died, and 600 have gotten sick since last September.

Stewart Parnell was compelled by subpoena to appear before a House committee to explain a few embarrassing but pertinent facts. For instance, how did he explain lobbying federal regulators to let him keep shipping products from contaminated plants? Those products came with a phony certificate attesting to their purity.

He might also have to explain why, when confronted with evidence of contamination last October from his own lab, he sent the samples to a different one and complained about the delay? Parnell was asked if he was ready to eat any of the 1900 peanut products recalled because of contamination.

To all this, Stewart Parnell responded like a mobster. He took the Fifth on all questions, including whether he'd been present earlier when some of the victims of his greed testified. Then he left the committee hearing with the obligatory entourage.

If Stewart Parnell had shot nine people with a rifle, he rightly be called a mass murderer. He'd be facing life in prison at the very least. The e-mails made public yesterday at that House committee hearing showed Parnell had little if any concern for the people who might eat his tainted products.

Doesn't Stewart Parnell need to face criminal charges, and if convicted, be locked up like any other common miscreant?

Or am I overreacting because I love peanuts?

1 comment:

sanda said...

It's been very hard to get a list from a government or news-online website of products with the peanuts by name, a complete list.

How will people know when it's safe to eat peanut products?