Lots of folks, especially the Sean Hannitys of the world, are going off about remarks made by the nation's Attorney General. In remarks to his staff, Eric Holder said that despite many advances, America remains "a nation of cowards" when it comes to issues of race.

As if to bear him out, the New York Post conjures images of racism past (and present?) with a cartoon showing cops shooting a chimp with a remark about the stimulus bill. The response to the cartoon and Attorney General Holder were both frighteningly predictable.
To Sean Hannity, any hint of reticence on race issues by his core constituency is a slap at all Americans. Don't believe me, just watch his show. One should also understand that for Hannity, race makes excellent fodder for entertainment. Spend a few days talking bad about Eric Holder, and watch the ratings rise.
The cartoon, on the other hand, first drew the ire of the Rev. Al Sharpton. How easy, then, for the bosses at the Post to slap the tag "publicity hound" on the Rev. and try to move on.

No such luck. Condemnations have cascaded from, among others, the National Urban League, the National Association of Black Journalists, my good friend Earl Ofari Hutchinson out of LA, and more.

No such luck. Condemnations have cascaded from, among others, the National Urban League, the National Association of Black Journalists, my good friend Earl Ofari Hutchinson out of LA, and more.
Unlike the fountain of ignorance that publishes New York's most right wing daily, These folks understand that likening black folks to gorillas and chimpanzees in this country is as old as the nation itself. Again, don't take my word for it. Go back and look for yourself.
So when Eric Holder calls America a nation of cowards about race, don't hate.
Investigate, and decide for yourself. Tell me what you find out.
I was surprised at the number of comments on "liberal" blogs that showed how many people didn't "get it" about the NYPost cartoon.
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