Monday, July 7, 2008

Back to Business

If this past holiday weekend reminded Americans of anything, it's the fact that the economy is slumping. It means the two presumptive presidential nominees have a lot of work to do. Convincing the American people you've got the magic bullet to right the US economic ship is a tall order. 

John McCain has the task of making people forget his statement earlier in the campaign that he's no expert when it comes to the economy. Expect Barack Obama to touch on that more than once this week, as both of them present their economic visions to the nation. McCain is also, rightly or wrongly, associated with the economic policies of President Bush. Those policies aren't very popular right now, and Bush doesn't seem to have a clue how to reverse the current slide.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, can't afford to be painted as a candidate who will raise taxes for new economic programs. That's what you'll be hearing from the McCain camp. Obama also must get past last week's criticisms that he's moving away from some of the progressive positions that got him this far.

He's also got to face the reality that McCain, in shaking up his campaign staff and elevating proteges of Karl Rove, will be taking the gloves off. They'll be seeking to erode what's perceived as Obama's advantage in dealing with the economy. With job losses, home foreclosures, and rising gas prices knocking the American people for a loop, both of these folks have their work cut out for them.

Let's hope they come with substance, not style.

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