It may not be law yet, but the media has already begun analyzing how the House passed economic stimulus bill will affect Americans. The press has also made a big deal out of the fact that despite President Obama's best efforts, no Republicans voted for the plan in the House.
On the first issue, the answer is simple. The purpose of this plan is to convince the public that it's okay to spend again. Keep in mind that as this crisis has deepened, most folks have seriously cut back on buying, even during the Christmas season.
The alternative for many has been to pay down on debt, not necessarily a bad thing. The question now is whether the combination of tax cuts ($211 of the $819 billion dollar package) and new spending will loosen American purse-strings. Maybe, maybe not.

President Obama wants to get this thing passed and signed before President's Day. He's invested serious time and effort in trying to marshall bipartisan support in both houses of Congress. It didn't work in the House. Republicans wanted nothing but a tax cut plan, and bickered during debate about whether GW Bush's cuts in '01 created years of growth.
It makes one wonder if trying to talk sense to these people really makes any. Why is there a part of me that wants the president to crack with whip with both congressional Republicans and clueless bankers? The former don't seem to want to admit how bad things really are.
If they want to talk about the good old days of our former president, let them. Let Barack Obama drive the bus with these people standing on the sidelines, griping. If this plan puts people back to work and gets them to spend again, they'll be exposed for the fools they are.
President Obama is doing exactly what he said he'd do during the campaign. Shouldn't these partisan do nothings be called out for who they are?
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