Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Are You Taking it Personal?

So, it's Election Day across America. I woke up this morning with a knot in my stomach. It's a familiar thing, one that comes when I think something should happen, will happen, but may not. I woke up with that same knot back in 1989, when David Dinkins became New York City's first black mayor. I felt it again four years later, when he lost by a razor thin margin to Rudy Giuliani. Forget 2000. That feeling stayed around for more than a month.

So here we are, on the precipice of history. That sick feeling in my gut was exacerbated when I arrived early this morning at what I thought was my polling site with my daughter. She's 11, and has been voting with me since she could walk. We got to the site, and there was no one there! It was then I realized I simply mistook the municipal building for City Hall. At my actual polling site, the line stretched a block, and this was at 7:00AM.

When I saw the line, and the rainbow of people waiting to vote, that feeling in my gut vanished. I said hello to several folks I knew, and waited. Someone mentioned the line was even longer earlier in the morning when the polls first opened. Anecdotal evidence from the cable networks echo what I saw in my local community. It all looks good, but my political instincts tell me this thing won't be over until we hear a concession speech.

It has truly been one extraordinary election cycle. What started for Democrats as a coronation ended up being something very different. For the Republicans, a candidate who had been written off came back and won his party's nomination. Today we'll find out if Barack Obama's meticulous campaign will win out, or whether John McCain will make one final comeback. Either way, I already know I'll be taking this one personally. It's not easy to admit, since during my younger days I thought politics was the final province of uncool fossils.

Things have changed for me. Have they changed for you? Are you taking this personal?


Anonymous said...

I am not sure what "are you taking it personal?" means. The other happy person I know,my spouse,made me happy by voting before work, instead of after work today, as he usually does.

He thought, wow, no line until he got inside the school, just after 6AM. Two hundred people were waiting inside, out of the morning cold air. A woman on line said she always votes at 6AM before she goes to work and this is the first time there were more than 3 people waiting.

We live in a "rainbow" area (nice word, Mr. Mark), used to be moreso before the NYS legislature let Mitchell-Lama rental housing expire, and chopping rent stabilization (in large part by appointees to the Rent Stab.Bd. by Bllomberg)etc.

Spouse met someone on way to subway, who told him another school had folks on line, just after 6AM almost the whole block long between avenues. But, I forgot to say, there were 2 extra machines in our polling precinct.

My pal in England, who has my illness, has been emailing me every few days about the election. I keep explaining, with great embarrassment the dirty tricks in our "democracy". And answering as best I can, "when will you know who won?", pointing out 2000 (was it 39days?).

Good luck to all of us. I am so glad you like "Every vote is important. Every person is important.". History is every day, but some days we really know it.

Anonymous said...

It's so personal for me and in so many ways but to sum it up, I'm voting (have voted..early!) for Sen. Obama because I believe that his policies will be a significantly better for the future of this country than McCain's.

Also, Mark I am a big fan of your show and I recently moved from NY to live in Takoma Park, MD. I listen (or attempt) to listen to WLIB daily to catch your show and also Bro. Imhotep Gary Byrd's show on Sunday and I've just got to say man, what is up with the tech support?! I have no problem with streaming WHUR which is also supported by BroadcastUrban. But the problems with both WLIB and WBLS seem to be perpetual. It's maddening.

I've emailed and in this day and age of the internet and especially with this historic election, why is WLIB and WBLS so behind the times?! I can't get the same kind of reporting/news/opinion/insight anywhere else!! Please, help a fan out...!

Thanks for all your great work,
